Memex Inc. announced that it has entered into reciprocal reseller agreements with software developer Production Process. These arrangements will see Production Process, headquartered in Jacksonville Beach, Florida, add MERLIN Tempus to its current and future scheduling software clientele, while Memex will promote Production Process's proven Dynamic Scheduling software solution to its customers and prospects. Production Process intends to discontinue supplying their ProductionAce hardware and software and introduce their customers to the advantages offered by Memex's MERLIN Tempus Suite and connectivity components with integration to their scheduling application.

For MERLIN Tempus users, adding the ability to schedule orders using Dynamic Scheduling's advanced algorithms will provide them the opportunity to maximize efficiency while receiving real time updates and feedback. Both Memex and Production Process will benefit from the expansion of their product offerings and broadening of their respective product footprints without the need for further investment in development. Sales and customer support cross training is anticipated to be completed by the end of the calendar year and both sales teams will start offering the combined product catalogue early in 2024.