Mobicon Group Limited announces that Mr. Charles E. Chapman ("Mr. Chapman") has tendered his resignation as an independent non-executive Director with effect from 31 August 2022 due to other career development.
Following the Resignation, Mr. Chapman ceased to be the members of each of the audit committee (the "Audit Committee") and the nomination committee (the "Nomination Committee") of the Company. Mr. Chapman confirmed that (i) he has no disagreement with the Board; and (ii) there are no matters that need to be brought to the attention of the Company's shareholders and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the "Stock Exchange") in relation to the Resignation. The Board would like to take this opportunity to express its sincere gratitude to Mr. Chapman for his valuable contributions to the Company throughout his term of office as an independent non-executive Director. Following the Resignation, the Board also announces that, with effect from 31 August 2022, Mr. Ip Fu Wa Benthony has been appointed as (i) an independent non-executive Director of the Company; and (ii) a member of each of the Audit Committee and Nomination Committee. Mr. Ip, aged 63, has over 25 years in the finance and administration sectors. Mr. Ip first started his career in England and later joined an international firm as an assistant audit manager until 1989. Mr. Ip then pursued his career in the commercial sector by involving in property investment in the U.S. and engaging in the trading operations. From 2001 to 2013, Mr. Ip joined a listed company in Hong Kong and worked as the company secretary and assistant to the company's chairman. In 2000, Mr. Ip established his own consultancy firm to provide consulting services to companies established in Hong Kong and overseas. Mr. Ip obtained a bachelor's degree in mathematics from University College London in 1981. He has been a member of Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales since May 1988. He is also a non-practising member of Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public