Mynaric announced the delivery of multiple CONDOR Mk2 optical communications terminals to Telesat Government Solutions (GS). Mynaric's first delivery of flight-ready CONDOR optical communications terminals for space applications marks an important milestone towards the product family's space flight heritage. Next, the terminals will be mounted to the Croupier satellites as part of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's (DARPA) Blackjack Track B program and subsequently launched to space to commence the mission's operations.

Blackjack is a joint technology demonstration project by DARPA and the U.S. Space Force to evaluate the utility and concepts of operation for a large-scale proliferated low Earth orbit satellite constellation. The overarching goal of the program is to leverage developments from the commercial sector to create commodity satellite platforms and payloads for defense purposes. In the fourth quarter of 2020, Mynaric was selected by TelesatGS to supply optical communications terminals to the Blackjack satellite program which were now delivered.

The delivery of flight-ready CONDOR Mk2 units to Telesat GS follows shortly after Mynaric's delivery of HAWK units to an energy customer in the fourth quarter of 2022.