Vantage Health Inc. announced scientific updates. Over the last three months Vantage, and its parent company, has been developing version 2.0 of its sensor technology. Version 2.0 operates on a Bluetooth platform eliminating the need for physical connections to multiple smartphone platforms. The new sensor is wirelessly compatible with all devices that have Bluetooth capability and will also operate with tablet technology.

Version 2.0 of the sensor has the capacity to be scaled up to 256 sensor channels. The molecular samples analyzed by the Vantage Sensor 2.0 were sent to a third party laboratory specializing in analytical, environmental and pharmacological testing. When testing for lower and higher concentrations of certain molecules, which are important biomarkers in disease detection, results suggested that the sensor may actually be more sensitive than Gas Chromatography--Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS).

A GC-MS is considered the gold standard for molecular analysis typically costing as much as six figures. Vantage plans to retail this sensor for less than $200. A provisional patent was filed recently to protect the proprietary algorithm used to convert the nano-sensor data into useful calibrated measurements.

The key inventor, formerly a NASA contractor, has been engaged to help imbed the algorithm into hand-held apps that communicate directly with the new Bluetooth device. The Company also recruited two additional staff members; a Chief Scientist for Nanotechnology who brings 10 years of experience and a Chief Technology Officer who brings 16 years of experience. The company and its partners have just completed version 3.0 of a breath capture device, which attaches directly onto the sensor.

The breath capture device allows for unlimited use of the sensor without the risk of contamination between patients and also includes a filtering mechanism, removing water vapor in the breath, which could otherwise interfere with the molecular analysis. The parent company will be filing another provisional patent for this technology as well.