NanoCarrier announceD that the primary endpoint of Phase IIa portion (to establish NC-6004 recommended dose in conjunction with pembrolizumab) was achieved. NC-6004-009 study is being conducted in the US and European countries in combination with pembrolizumab for head and neck cancer. Good tolerability as well as anti-tumor activity was observed in Phase IIa portion. The preliminary result will be presented at Controlled Release Society Virtual Annual Meeting which will be held between June 29, 2020 to July 2, 2020. Controlled Release Society is a renowned scientific organization specialized in drug delivery. Dr. Kazunori Kataoka who is a scientific advisor of NanoCarrier has been involved in 2020 Program Committee of Controlled Release Society. NanoCarrier has been pursuing clinical trial initiation activity with health authorities in each target country towards Phase IIb portion. NanoCarrier expects that micellar nanoparticles, including NC-6004, will help to improve the value of preparations in the anti-cancer drug market, while agents such as its platform technology will have no impact on earnings for the fiscal year ending March 2021.