PetLife Pharmaceuticals, Inc. has commenced its pre-INAD (Investigational New Animal Drug) studies of Vitalzul™ with the inception of a cell lines study to identify the appropriate targets for safety and efficacy testing. In conjunction with InnoVision Therapeutics, the study will verify cancer cell types that have already been determined to be responsive to Vitazul™ and determine the most appropriate target indication for clinical trials once initial safety and dosing studies are completed. Cell lines studies are well accepted as one of the initial steps in drug development and testing. Standard cancer cell lines are prepared and exposed to Vitalzul™. The amount of cell death can be measured by laboratory assay methods. The cell types identified as most susceptible to Vitalzul™ will be ranked in order of appropriateness for further studies based not only on the cell lines study, but also their prevalence and known response to conventional therapy. With this information, along with other studies to be announced shortly, the company anticipates scheduling a formal meeting with the FDA/CVM followed by application filing to the agency for approval of its clinical trial protocols.