Zibao Metals Recycling Holdings Plc announced that Wenjie Zhou, Jianfeng Li and Peter Greenhalgh will resign as Directors of the Company. Following Completion, the Board then intends to make additional appointments to assist the Company in its new strategic direction as a cash shell, including conditional on Completion, the appointment of Nicholas Nelson. Nicholas Cristian Paul Nelson commenced his career as a securities dealer on the floor of the London Stock Exchange in 1985. This developed into a 13-year career in investment management. In 1998 he moved into the Financial PR industry and over 14 years, handled the corporate communications matters to smaller quoted companies operating in multiple sectors. During this period Nicholas handled the financial PR aspects of some 150 AIM and NEX IPOs. He has held directorships with six AIM-quoted companies and two NEX Exchange companies and is currently Chief Executive of NEX listed SulNOx Group Plc. Nicholas has considerable hands on experience of all day to day matters relating to shareholder reporting and PLC management.