Pluri Inc. unveiled a novel method for expansion of immune cells using proprietary technology and announced it was granted a new U.S. patent titled, "System and Methods for Immune Cells Expansion and Activation in Large Scale." Pluri's novel technology represents a paradigm shift in immune cell expansion methodologies because, unlike traditional approaches, its method employs a fundamentally different concept. Pluri's proprietary 3D cell expansion technology mimics the natural lymph node like environment that immune cells have within the human body. The tightly controlled and fully automated bioreactor system provides cells with the conditions they need in order to expand, enabling efficient expansion of immune cells at scale and quality.

This innovative approach ensures that the produced immune cells retain their integrity, functionality, and therapeutic efficacy, thus offering a promising solution to meet the escalating demand for advanced cell-based therapies for immune disorders and neurodegenerative diseases. Pluri's patented technology marks an important milestone in the field of allogeneic cell therapy, positioning the Company at the forefront of innovation. By addressing the critical challenges faced by current allogeneic cell therapies, such as limited donor cell availability and scalability issues, Pluri's technology can potentially open doors to vast opportunities for therapeutic advancement and commercial success.

With a commitment to pushing the boundaries of possibility, Pluri is poised to lead the charge towards realizing the full potential of allogeneic cell therapy., ultimately transforming the lives of patients worldwide.