Preferred Dental Technologies Inc. (PDTI) has been granted an additional patent from the United States Patent Office (USPTO) for the EAS Series. This patent specifically covers 3D applications for creating custom dental abutments for dental implants. In a test run of prototypes, twelve custom angled abutments were created in a total of twenty-seven minutes. This was accomplished using only a fraction of the printing area, leaving a lot of area to print crowns, bars, bridges and other necessary dental implant components. An entire case or multiple cases can be printed all at the same time depending on case load. The features of the Evolutionary Accessory Series (EAS) are still maintained through all aspects of production, whether using the universal EAS platform in a traditional manner, CAD/CAM milling or 3D printing. It provides correction of angulation, parallelism and fixation screw loosening problems while still being easily retrievable on even the most complex restorative cases.