Progressive Care Inc. announced the launch of its 340Metrx Platform to help 340B covered entities increase the number of 340B qualified claims and program savings while supporting compliance efforts. The 340MetrX platform is a software product developed by the Company's wholly-owned subsidiary ClearMetrX that provides 340B-covered entities with data insights to effectively operate and maximize the benefits of the 340B program. The platform allows program administrators to manage, in real time, data related to revenue, virtual inventory, drug replenishment and reconciliation, detailed prescription history analysis, customized ordering data with major wholesalers, patient information, drug prescribing trends, and customized financial breakdowns.

The software analyzes claim records and provides a complete overview of the financial health of the entity while diminishing the number of ineligible claims through the 340MetrX automated review process. The 340MetrX software enhances the existing third-party administration services ClearMetrX is currently providing to entities by complementing in-house 340B experts with a robust reporting platform aiming to maximize the limited resources in the 340B space through identification and validation of missing claims, increasing the covered entity's revenue.