ResGreen Group International Inc. announced it is offering wireless stacklights as part of its growing portfolio of industrial automation devices. Stacklights, which are also called signal towers, are a cost-effective way to visually signal workers in a wide variety of industrial applications, including traffic management, material pick-up and delivery requests, quality control, error warnings and maintenance notifications. ResGreen's configurable, LED stacklights are available in three colors (Red, Yellow and Green) or single color (Red only).

Both versions feature a high decibel warning buzzer. Individual colors and the buzzer can be disabled or enabled per device during the initial device set-up process and are controllable in four modes: on, off, fast blink and slow blink. ResGreen's stacklights are wireless, which allows them to be placed in any location or on moving objects.

Wireless is also idea for applications where the lights need to be controlled remotely. The stacklights are compatible with any 2.4 GHZ WiFi network, with 5G being available upon request.