Revance Therapeutics, Inc. announced the commercial launch of DAXXIFY (DaxibotulinumtoxinA-lanm) for injection for the treatment of cervical dystonia, providing patients and physicians with a compelling new treatment option for a painful and disabling chronic condition. The launch marks Revance's entry into the large and growing U.S. therapeutics neurotoxinmarket. Following the FDA's approval of DAXXIFY for cervical dystonia in August 2023, Revance launched the DAXXIFY cervical dystonia PrevU early experience program with the objective of optimizing treatment outcomes for patients and ensuring smooth practice integration.

Revance subsequently established its commercial infrastructure in preparation for launch, received a permanent J-Code for DAXXIFY from the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) (which streamlines the reimbursement pathway for providers), operationalized reimbursement support services to minimize potential hurdles to adoption, and launched patient affordability programs to support patients with out-of-pocket costs.