ROSINBOMB announced the provisional filing of this very significant patent from the Company. This fourth patent application adds to the three existing patents already granted to Rosin Bomb for their technology implementation and this filing should be considered extremely significant. This patent filing covers the unique and proprietary way in which the Rosin Bomb Nature Fresh Freeze Dryer racks are assembled in a Honeycomb design.

The design and implementation creates a significant amount of additional processing space within the Freeze Dryer Cabinet resulting in 50% more output than its competitors within the same space footprint. This is the fourth major and significant patent filing for Rosinbomb including three granted patents. Rosinbomb's intellectual property is a key factor in their engineering approach.

Widely acclaimed as having the most elegant design and technological implementation in the market, Rosinbomb intends to enforce their patents stringently and vigorously pursue any violators in the marketplace both in the U.S and Overseas.