The board of directors of Ryobi Kiso Holdings Ltd. refers to the announcements released on 27 June 2018, 29 June 2018, 4 July 2018, 10 July 2018 and 27 July 2018. Further to the announcements, the company inform that the Company and its subsidiary, Ryobi Kiso (S) Pte. Ltd. (‘RKS’), have received letters of demand for the aggregate sum of SGD 4,582,017 from certain banks and finance companies. Additionally, RKS has received letters of demand from various creditors for an aggregate sum of SGD 1,333,121. Legal proceedings have been commenced against RKS by certain creditors for an aggregate sum of SGD 215,962. The company has also announced on 31 July 2018 and 3 August 2018 that the company and certain of its subsidiaries have made applications to the High Court of the Republic of Singapore to commence a court supervised reorganisation process. The hearing of the Applications has been scheduled on 27 August 2018.