Sage Gold Inc. provided an update regarding its ongoing mining activities at the Clavos mine. The Company is now extracting mineralized material from 175E on the Footwall (FW) and Hanging wall (HW) drives after having completed development east of the existing level. Silling is ongoing on the HW and FW zones east of the easterly end of 175E. The company has encountered strong vein development on the FW structure and is currently extracting mineralized material for processing. HW silling is also ongoing to the west of 513550E in order to sill out on the HW structure not located in the SAS longhole stope 175-480. Lastly, the HW and FW zones extend west of the westerly end of 175 as evidenced by resource and stope blocks defined in the Sage resource study of October 2012 and the PEA study of April 2013. The Company continues to extract mineralized material from the following other levels: 100 Level West - Silling is underway on both the HW and FW structures driving west from 512875 east. The intention is test both the HW and FW structures and also examine the feasibility of developing a longhole stope between 100 L West and 150 L West.150 Level East - The company intends to sill east on the FW structure from the current easterly end of the FW at 513475E. Silling will also occur on the HW structure east of the St Andrew Goldfields (SAS) longhole stope 150-530. The longhole stope 150-530 was one of the more productive stopes that SAS developed and mined yielding 6,170 ounces from 14,960 tonnes mined (SAS production records). Remnant muck remains in FW structure and will be trucked to surface for crushing and milling. 200 Level - The company will be developing a sill drive east of 513630E to develop the FW structure. Also, the company will develop a cut and fill stope between 513475E and 513575E. Below 200 level The company is also working to develop the necessary infrastructure to provide ventilation and power below the 200 Level. The initial objective below the 200 Level would be to examine the SAS stopes to determine if there is remnant material present and the accessibility of this material. Towards this end, the company is working on potential equipment financing to procure the required equipment including a remote scoop. SAS developed a number of longhole and shrinkage stopes below the 200 level with variable amounts of production. The company will not be able to determine the remaining tonnage left in these stopes without examining each stope.