Using advanced speech verification technology, the Reading Assistant guided reading tool has transformed reading instruction in K-12 schools by making it possible to provide an oral reading coach for every student. With the release of the next generation of the guided reading software called Reading Assistant Plus, Scientific Learning Corp. offers schools a new and enhanced digital tool to quickly and effectively develop students' fluency, prosody, and comprehension. Reading Assistant Plus uses patented speech verification technology to listen as students read e-book passages aloud and provide immediate, constructive feedback each time they mispronounce or struggle with a word. As part of the neuroscience-based Fast ForWord program, it helps learners reinforce their newly learned language and reading skills and rapidly build fluency and comprehension. With the addition of several new features, Reading Assistant Plus now offers students an enhanced guided reading experience while providing teachers with greater flexibility and control. For students, Reading Assistant Plus provides new content and genres across all grade spans, including classic fiction, fantasy, science fiction, fairy tales, and more high-interest topics for struggling readers in the upper grades. Additionally, a new Word Wall activity pre-teaches key academic vocabulary terms, allowing students to explore and learn the pronunciation of important words before they begin reading an e-book passage. For teachers, Reading Assistant Plus provides more flexibility in choosing developmentally appropriate reading selections for students. With a new reading assignment option, they can easily create personalized libraries for each student using reading level range alone or coupled with a particular genre or genres.