The Board of SECOS Group Limited informed the market of further expansion of `MyEco' brand. This expansion is driven by consumers wishing to reduce the use of traditional plastic and to utilize compostable alternatives. Following the launch of MyEcoBagTM in Woolworths Australia, and MyEcoPetTM in Veterans Canteen Services in United States of Amercias, SECOS Group has expanded its product offerings to include MyEcoBagTM as Compostable Courier Bags. Currently, courier bags are mainly of conventional plastic offerings. SECOS, with its track record in compostable products for use in food waste diversion, is pleased to add compostable courier bags to the range to leading retailers such as Officeworks. Approximately 28% 1 of the world's population shop online through digital channels requiring support of parcel and satchel services. Consumers and businesses alike are increasingly drawn towards sustainable packaging solutions. SECOS' MyEcoBagsTM courier bags which are certified Home Compostable and Industrial Compostable is a natural fit in this quest. The initial order to Officeworks is through their digital platform, Lectronics. Officeworks customers can purchase MyEcoBagsTM compostable bags online as part of the offerings. SECOS Group will assist Officeworks with further marketing support for the launch. Officeworks MyEcoBagsTM certified compostable courier bags will be available in A4 and A3 sizes and will be sold in an individual compostable outer cover containing five compostable courier bags per pack.