SINOPEC Engineering (Group) Co., Ltd. announced that the Shareholders considered and approved the proposed appointment of Mr. JIANG Dejun as an executive director and the proposed appointment of Mr. ZHOU Yingguan as a non-representative of the employees supervisor by way of an ordinary resolution at the EGM held on 22 February 2021. The Company has entered into service contracts with Mr. JIANG Dejun and Mr. ZHOU Yingguan respectively for a term commencing from the date of appointment and ending on the expiry of the term of the Third Session of the Board and the Third Session of the Supervisory Committee. The Board of the Company has resolved to approve the appointment of Mr. JIANG Dejun, the executive Director of the Company, as the authorised representative of the Company at the Fourteenth Meeting of the Third Session of the Board convened on 22 February 2021, with effect from 22 February 2021.