SINOPEC Engineering (Group) Co., Ltd. has officially elected Mr. WANG Yi as an employee representative supervisor through democratic elections recently for a term commencing from the date of election and ending on the expiry of the term of the Fourth Session of the Supervisory Committee. Mr. WANG aged 52, is a senior engineer with a master's degree. From July 1992 to November 2014, Mr. WANG Yi held positions in Dalian Petrochemical Company China Petrochemical Corporation Sinopec Engineering Incorporation and SINOPEC Engineering (Group) Co., Ltd. Mr. WANG Yi served as the vice president of SINOPEC Tenth Construction Co., Ltd. from November 2014 to July 2019; served as the vice president of SINOPEC Engineering (Group) Co., Ltd. from July 2019 to September 2020; served as the president of SINOPEC Tenth Construction Co., Ltd. from September 2020 to December 2022; served as an executive director of SINOPEC Tenth Construction Co., Ltd. since December 2022; and served as the employee representative supervisor of SINOPEC Engineering (Group) Co., Ltd. since January 2023.

The Board of the Company announced that the Supervisory Committee was recently notified by Mr. WU Zhongxian of his resignation as an employee representative supervisor in consideration of his age. The resignation of Mr. WU Zhongxian shall become effective when it is tendered to the Supervisory Committee. Mr. WU Zhongxian has confirmed that he has no disagreement with the Supervisory Committee and there is no matter relating to his resignation that needs to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the Company.