Skechers U.S.A., Inc. turns to Hai Robotics as they launch their new distribution center in Minato City, Tokyo, Japan. Using Hai's automated goods-to-person system, Skechers is maximizing warehouse operational efficiency, fulfillment speed, and order accuracy. Hai's solution was chosen for its ability to condense storage -- minimizing real estate needed -- and easily adapt to changing demand, resolve labor shortage issues, and support long-term business growth.

Supported by material handling consulting company MHE Solutions Inc., Skechers built their new facility to keep up with rapidly growing demand in the Japanese market and to advance operations that had historically relied on manually laborious tasks. Manual picking processes had been the standard to fulfill orders, but managing staff shortages coupled with expanding SKU variety contributed to high operating costs with limited outbound picking efficiency and speed. After evaluating several automation providers, Skechers ultimately determined Hai Robotics' HaiPick System was the ideal solution for dependable and effective automated order fulfillment.

The HaiPick System is dense, adaptable to changes in consumer demand, and easily expandable as operations grow. It seamlessly integrated with other technologies in the facility to help Skechers quickly respond to customer orders. The system has also extended employee productivity while reducing physical demand on staff, helping toiate disruption from labor shortages.

Within Skechers' facility, the HaiPick System covers 139,705 square feet and is operated by 69 HaiPick Autonomous Case-handling Mobile Robots (ACRs), which are integrated with Manhattan Associates' cloud-native warehouse management system (WMS). ACRs are highly intelligent, tall pieces of equipment that autonomously navigate narrow aisles of an ASRS constructed of almost any industry-standard racking or shelving with a vertical reach extending up to 32 feet. The robots pick containers off the shelving -- transporting up to 8 at any given time for maximum order-batching efficiency -- and deliver them to human-operated workstations.

Skechers' HaiPick System contains 8 ergonomic workstations where operators receive clear instructions on a screen of the product and quantity to be picked to fulfill an order. The product is then scanned, and the system confirms order accuracy before the operator can proceed to the following order. The HaiPick System is a vital part of the operational success in Skechers' new distribution facility, helping Skechers maintain the high level of service and satisfaction their customers enjoy as they continue to grow.