S.N.G.N. ROMGAZ S.A. announced that in the Board of Directors meeting held on June 17, 2022 was approved the change of the Board of Directors advisory committees' membership. Following the approved changes, the Board of Directors Advisory Committees membership is as follows: Nomination and Remuneration Committee: Mr. Sorici Gheorghe Silvian - Chairman; Mr. Batog Cezar - member; and Mr. Dragan Dan Dragos - member. Audit Committee: Mr. Sorici Gheorghe Silvian - Chairman; Mr. Batog Cezar - member; and Mr. Simescu Nicolae Bogdan - member.

Strategy Committee: Mr. Balazs Botond - Chairman; Mr. Dragan Dan Dragos - member; Mr. Jude Marius Aristotel - member; Mr. Metea Virgil Marius - member; and Mr. Sorici Gheorghe Silvian - member.