Spotlight Innovation Inc. announced the formation of its Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) with the appointment of Professors Elliot J. Androphy, Kevin Hodgetts, and Hengli Tang. The SAB will work closely with the Spotlight Innovation management team to advance the Company's product development programs. Hengli Tang recently co-authored a study, published in Nature Medicine, reporting two classes of compounds: one that protects Zika virus-infected neural cells from programmed cell death and another that directly inhibits Zika virus replication. Dr. Androphy is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board for both Cure SMA and FightSMA, previously served on the SAB of ImmuLogic and of Signal Pharmaceuticals, and is co-founder of Elagen Inc. Professor Hodgetts is the head of Medicinal Chemistry and Director of the Laboratory for Drug Discovery in Neurodegeneration (LDDN) at Brigham and Women's Hospital, and Assistant Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School.