SPX FLOW, Inc.'s latest technology for nutrition and beverage manufacturers, the Anhydro® BlueLight? Whitening System, has hit the market, enabling processors to meet customers' demand for lighter-colored powder products in a more sustainable way. Why Remove Riboflavin: In markets like baby formula and sports protein powders, there is a demand for products lighter in color.

Riboflavin molecules in these powders give a yellowish hue, but by making the molecules smaller, the final powdered product can be whitened. How Does it Work: Traditionally, manufacturers have whitened powdered products by filtering the products through active carbon. However, Anhydro's breakthrough BlueLight Whitening System can now do this more sustainably by using blue light technology to break down components that can be washed away during lactose crystal production.

How is it more sustainable?: Using blue lights instead of carbon filtering is more sustainable. Benefits include: Uses less water: Saves up to 1 million glasses of water (based on approximately 9 oz or 0.28 liters in a glass) per day. That's enough water to fill a storage tank of 250,000 liters (more than 66,043 gallons); Limits cleaning agents: Uses less acid and lye, and in turn, has less need for water treatment and waste; Incorporates into an existing process: The component's smaller footprint means it can be added to previously installed systems.