SunHydrogen, Inc. published a photo of the larger version to date of its nanoparticle-based green hydrogen technology. The photo can be viewed by visiting the company's news feed. The image unveiled shows a panel that houses multiple hydrogen generators and contains 16 times more hydrogen generator area than the company's previous small-scale model.

Multiple arrays of hydrogen generators bolster hydrogen production rates. This prototype is currently the only self-contained nanoparticle-based hydrogen generation device of its kind that splits water molecules into high-purity green hydrogen and oxygen using the sun's energy. SunHydrogen's nanoparticle technology directly uses the electrical charges created by sunlight to generate hydrogen when the sun is shining.

However, this prototype was also designed to support 24-hour operation even when the sun is not shining by powering the catalyst and membrane integration assembly with renewable grid electricity from wind or hydropower sources. The company's previous small-scale model, publicized in December 2022, was designed to fit a single nanoparticle-based hydrogen generator for testing in a controlled environment. SunHydrogen's Iowa scientific team is currently working to increase the hydrogen production rate per panel by increasing the hydrogen generator area to panel area ratio, as well as overall panel size.

The Company is also working to improve overall solar-to-hydrogen efficiency through its agreement with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), as well as with its industrial partner InRedox and the Singh Lab at the University of Michigan. In parallel, the Company is working to improve the overall stability of the hydrogen generators.