Inactive Instrument

Company T3 Motion Inc Nyse



Auto & Truck Manufacturers

End-of-day quote Nyse
- USD - Intraday chart for T3 Motion Inc

Business Summary

T3M INC., formerly T3 Motion, Inc., provides public safety technology. The Company specializes in public safety patrol and tactical technology solutions for the law enforcement, security and military markets. The Company produces personal mobility vehicles and tactical technology. The Company's vehicles include T3 Patroller and T3 Vision. The T3 Patroller comes in three models: Elite (full suspension + reverse), Premium (front suspension + optional reverse) and Standard (rigid chassis + optional reverse). The T3 Patroller is an electric stand-up vehicle, which is used in various applications, such as airports/transportation centers, retail/lifestyle centers/malls, military/government facilities, hospitals/medical centers, warehouses/large buildings, hotels/resorts/casinos and campuses/museums. The T3 Vision is also an electric stand-up vehicle. The T3 Patroller's accessories include on-board global positioning system (GPS) tracking system and automated license plate recognition system.

Share class

VoteQuantityFree-FloatCompany-owned sharesTotal Float
Stock A 1 22,100,777 19,600,777 ( 88.69 %) 0 88.69 %

Company contact information

T3 Motion, Inc.

425 Klug Circle

92880, Corona

address T3 Motion Inc