Tautachrome announced the release of ARknet App Version 1.9.13, adding the ability to post immersive, 360-degree video Realms, and upcoming subscriptions abilities enabling content creator revenues. Content creators and influencers are always in need of ever greater sophistication to amplify the effect of their postings. This release of immersive, 360-degree video Realms in the ARknet App significantly increases the sophistication of the content that creators and influencers can post. This release allows an influencer to post any 360-degree video in an immersive AR format. In this immersive format users hold up their phone in the App?s AR mode where they then see the post as an arched doorway, or portal, which they can walk through. Upon walking through the portal, they find themselves in the influencer?s Realm, able to look around with their phone and view the 360-degree video as if they were standing in the Realm. New video streaming technology makes this possible and allows for the creation of incredibly unique content.