The present document is a translation into English of the "Avis de convocation" notice published in the Bulletin des Annonces

Légales Obligatoires dated April 17, 2024 (No 47). The present translation is provided for information purposes only.


A European company with a share capital of €158,607,635

Registered office: 21-25 rue Balzac, 75008 Paris, France

Paris Trade and Companies Register No. 301 292 702

Convening notice to the Shareholders' Meeting

The Shareholders of the Company are convened to a Combined Shareholders' Meeting to be held on Thursday May 23, 2024 at 3 p.m. (Paris Time) at 21-25 rue Balzac, 75008 Paris, France, to vote on the following agenda:


As an ordinary shareholders' meeting:

  1. Approval of the statutory financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2023,
  2. Approval of the consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2023,
  3. Appropriation of 2023 results - Determination of dividend amount and payment date,
  4. Special report of the statutory auditors on regulated agreements and commitments - acknowledgment of the absence of new agreements,
  5. Approval of the information referred to in paragraph I of Article L. 22-10-9 of the French Commercial Code for all of the Company's corporate officers,
  6. Approval of the fixed, variable and exceptional elements comprising the total remuneration and the benefits of all kind paid in the 2023 financial year or granted in respect of the 2023 financial year to Mr. Daniel JULIEN, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,
  7. Approval of the fixed, variable and exceptional elements comprising the total remuneration and the benefits of all kind paid in the 2023 financial year or granted in respect of the 2023 financial year to Mr. Olivier RIGAUDY, Deputy Chief Executive Officer,
  8. Acknowledgement and approval, where necessary, of the absence of any remuneration element (fixed, variable or exceptional) and of any benefit of all kind paid in the 2023 financial year or granted in respect of the 2023 financial year to Mr. Bhupender SINGH, Deputy Chief Executive Officer as of July 1, 2023,
  9. Approval of the remuneration policy for Directors,
  10. Approval of the remuneration policy for the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,
  11. Approval of the remuneration policy for the Deputy Chief Executive Officer,
  12. Approval of the remuneration policy for the Deputy Chief Executive Officer in charge of finance,
  13. Appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit SAS as statutory auditor in charge of the certification of sustainability information,
  14. Ratification of the provisional appointment of Mr. Nan NIU as a director,
  15. Ratification of the provisional appointment of Mr. Moulay Hafid ELALAMY as a director,
  16. Renewal of the term of office of Mr. Moulay Hafid ELALAMY as a director,
  17. Ratification of the provisional appointment of Ms. Brigitte DAUBRY as a director,
  18. Renewal of the term of office of Ms. Brigitte DAUBRY as a director,
  19. Renewal of the term of office of Mr. Daniel JULIEN as a director,
  20. Renewal of the term of office of Mr. Alain BOULET as a director,
  21. Authorization to be given to the Board of Directors to allow the Company to repurchase its own shares pursuant to the provisions of Article L.22-10-62 of the French Commercial Code, duration of the authorization, purposes, conditions, cap, non-exercise during public offerings,

As an extraordinary shareholders' meeting:

  1. Delegation of authority to be given to the Board of Directors for the issue of ordinary shares and/or securities giving access to the capital (of the Company or of a subsidiary) and/or to debt instruments, with application of the preferential subscription rights for shareholders, duration of the delegation, maximum nominal amount of capital increases, option to offer the unsubscribed securities to the public, non-exercise during public offerings,
  2. Delegation of authority to be given to the Board of Directors for the issue of ordinary shares and/or securities giving access to the capital (of the Company or of a subsidiary) and/or to debt instruments, without preferential subscription rights for shareholders, with the option to confer a priority right, by public offering (except offers referred to in paragraph 1 of Article L.411-2 of the French Monetary and Financial Code) and/or

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The present document is a translation into English of the "Avis de convocation" notice published in the Bulletin des Annonces

Légales Obligatoires dated April 17, 2024 (No 47). The present translation is provided for information purposes only.

as consideration for securities transferred under a public exchange offer, duration of the delegation, maximum nominal amount of capital increases, issue price, option to limit the issue to the amount of subscriptions or to distribute unsubscribed securities, non-exercise during public offerings,

  1. Delegation of authority to be given to the Board of Directors for the issue of ordinary shares and/or securities giving access to the capital (of the Company or of a subsidiary) and/or to debt instruments, without preferential subscription rights for shareholders by an offer referred to in paragraph 1 of Article L.411-2 of the French Monetary and Financial Code, duration of the delegation, maximum nominal amount of capital increases, issue price, option to limit the issue to the amount of subscriptions or to distribute unsubscribed securities, non-exercise during public offerings,
  2. Authorization to increase the amount of capital increases under the 22nd, 23rd and 24th resolutions within the limit of their caps and within the limit of 15% of the initial issuance, non-exercise during public offerings,
  3. Delegation of authority to be given to the Board of Directors to increase the share capital by issuing ordinary shares and/or securities giving access to the capital, in order to pay for contributions in kind of shares or securities giving access to the capital, duration of the delegation, non-exercise during public offerings,
  4. Delegation of authority to be given to the Board of Directors to increase the share capital by issuing ordinary shares and/or securities giving access to the capital, without preferential subscription rights for shareholders, in favor of members of a company savings plan pursuant to the provisions of Articles L.3332-18 et seq. of the French Labor Code, duration of the delegation, maximum nominal amount of capital increases, issue price, possibility to allocate free shares in accordance with Article L.3332-21 of the French Labor Code,
  5. Authorization to be granted to the Board of Directors to grant, under no consideration, existing shares and/or shares to be issued to employees and/or certain corporate officers of the Company or of affiliated companies or economic interest groups, waiver by the shareholders of their preferential subscription rights, duration of the authorization, cap, term of vesting period in particular in the event of disability,
  6. Powers for formalities.

The preliminary notice to the Shareholders' Meeting comprising the text of the proposed resolutions approved by the Board of Directors has been published in the Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoires dated March 18, 2024, no. 34.


All shareholders, regardless of the number of shares they own, are entitled to participate in this Shareholders' Meeting:

  • by attending the Meeting in person;
  • by voting by post or through the Internet;
  • by being represented or granting a proxy to the Chairman of the Meeting, or to any individual or legal entity of their choice in accordance with Articles L.225-106 and L22-10-39 of the French Commercial Code.
  1. Preliminary formalities required to participate in the Meeting

Shareholders who wish to attend the Shareholders' Meeting, be represented or vote by post, are required to provide proof that the shares are registered in their name or that of the registered intermediary acting on their behalf by the second business day preceding the Meeting at midnight Paris time (i.e. Tuesday May 21, 2024, 0:00 am, Paris time):

  • For registered shareholders, by registration of their shares in the registered share accounts held for the Company by UPTEVIA;
  • For the holders of bearer shares, by registration of their shares registered in their name or in that of the registered intermediary acting on their behalf as stated in their investment account held by their approved intermediary bank or financial agent.

Such registration of bearer shares must be confirmed by a certificate of participation issued by the approved intermediary, thereby producing evidence of their capacity as shareholders.

The certificate of participation issued by the approved intermediary must be attached to the remote or proxy voting form, or to the request for an admission card, and sent by the approved intermediary to UPTEVIA, Service Assemblée Générale, 90-100 esplanade du Général de Gaulle, 92931 Paris La Défense Cedex, France, or presented the day of the Meeting for shareholders who have not received their admission card.

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The present document is a translation into English of the "Avis de convocation" notice published in the Bulletin des Annonces

Légales Obligatoires dated April 17, 2024 (No 47). The present translation is provided for information purposes only.

Only those shareholders producing evidence of their shareholder status by May 21, 2024, 0:00 am (Paris time), under the terms specified in Article R.22-10-28 of the French Commercial Code as stated above, will be allowed to participate in this Shareholders' Meeting.

  1. Forms of participation in the Meeting

1. Shareholders wishing to attend this Meeting in person may request an admission card as follows:

1.1 Request of an admission card by post:

  • Registered shareholders automatically receive the voting form that they must complete stating that they wish to attend the Meeting and obtain an admission card. The signed form must then be sent, using the enclosed prepaid envelope, to UPTEVIA, Service Assemblée Générale, 90-100 esplanade du Général de Gaulle, 92931 Paris La Défense Cedex, France. Said shareholders may also present themselves the day of the Meeting with proof of identity.
  • Holders of bearer shares must ask the approved intermediary responsible for their share account that an admission card be sent to them. An admission card will be sufficient to attend the Meeting. Only in the case where the admission card was not received or was lost, the shareholders may present themselves on the day of the Meeting with their certificate of participation received from the approved intermediary and dated no later than May 21, 2024, 0:00 am (Paris time).

1.2 Request of an admission card by electronic means:

Shareholders wishing to attend the Meeting in person may also request an admission card online via the following procedures:

  • For registered shareholders:they should make their request online via the VOTACCESS secure platform that can
    be accessed from the Planetshares website at the following link: of pure registered shares must connect to the Planetshares website with their usual log-in details.
    Holders of administered registered shares will receive an invitation letter stating their login details. Such log-in details will give them access to the Planetshares website. In the event that shareholders have misplaced their login identification and/or password, they may call the following number: +33 (0)1 57 43 02 30.
    Once connected to the website, registered shareholders should follow the instructions appearing on the screen to access the VOTACCESS website and request an admission card.
  • For holders of bearer shares: the shareholders are responsible for establishing whether their approved intermediary is connected to the VOTACCESS website and, if so, whether such access is subject to specific conditions or terms of use.
    It is hereby specified that only holders of bearer shares whose approved intermediary is a subscriber of the VOTACCESS platform may request their admission card online.
    If the shareholders' approved intermediary is connected to the VOTACCESS website, they must log on to their approved intermediary's website with their usual login details. Then, they should click on the icon appearing on the line showing their Teleperformance SE shares and follow the instructions appearing on the screen to access the VOTACCESS website and request an admission card.

The VOTACCESS website will open beginning on April 17, 2024. In all cases, online admission card requests must be made no later than the day preceding the Meeting, i.e. May 22, 2024 at 3 p.m. (Paris time), in order to be taken into account.

In order to prevent overloading of the VOTACCESS website, it is recommended that shareholders not wait until the day preceding the Meeting to request an admission card.

2. Shareholders not attending the Meeting in person may vote by correspondence or be represented by granting a proxy to the Chairman of the Meeting, or to any individual or legal entity of their choice pursuant to statutory and regulatory conditions and the following procedures:

2.1 Voting by correspondence or by proxy by post

  • For registered shareholders: send the single correspondence or proxy voting form received automatically to the
    following address: UPTEVIA, Service Assemblée Générale, 90-100 esplanade du Général de Gaulle, 92931 Paris La Défense Cedex, France.

Page 3 of 5

The present document is a translation into English of the "Avis de convocation" notice published in the Bulletin des Annonces

Légales Obligatoires dated April 17, 2024 (No 47). The present translation is provided for information purposes only.

  • For holders of bearer shares: by requesting, as of the date of the Meeting notice, said form by writing to UPTEVIA (address above) or to their approved intermediary managing their share account. Requests for correspondence or proxy voting forms must be received no later than six days before the date of the Shareholders' Meeting.

Shareholders may also download the single correspondence or proxy voting form that will be made available on the Company's website ( no later than May 2, 2024.

To be taken into account, correspondence voting forms must be received by the general meeting department of UPTEVIA no later than May 19, 2024 at the latest and, for holders of bearer shares, the forms must be sent together with their certificate of participation.

Pursuant to Article R.225-81 of the French Commercial Code, a shareholder cannot, in any event, send to the Company both the proxy form and the vote by post form.

Pursuant to Article R. 22-10-24 of the French Commercial Code, notification of the appointment or dismissal of a proxy may also be performed by returning the signed and scanned form to the following email address: proxy must be accompanied by a copy of shareholders' proof of identity and for holders of bearer shares, by their certificate of participation. Holders of bearer shares must request that their financial intermediary responsible for their investment account send a written confirmation to UPTEVIA, Service Assemblée Générale, 90-100 esplanade du Général de Gaulle, 92931 Paris La Défense Cedex, France.

The proxy granted may be revoked in the same forms. Only notifications of appointment or revocation of proxy duly signed and completed will be recorded. Furthermore, only notifications of appointments or revocations of proxy can be sent to the email address paris.cts.france.mandats@uptevia.comany other request or notification relating to any other matter will not be recorded and/or be dealt with.

In order for the notifications of appointment or revocation of proxy to be taken into account, confirmations shall be received no later than the day preceding the shareholders' meeting, i.e. May 22, 2024 at 3 p.m. (Paris time).

2.2 Voting by correspondence or proxy electronically

Shareholders may also vote, appoint or revoke a proxy via the internet before the Shareholders' Meeting on the VOTACCESS website, subject to the conditions outlined below:

    • For registered shareholders: the holders of pure or administered registered shares who wish to vote online can connect to the VOTACCESS website via the Planetshares website at of pure registered shares should connect to the Planetshares website with their usual login details.
      Holders of administered registered shares will receive an invitation letter stating their log-in details. These log-in details will give them access to the Planetshares website. In the event that shareholders have misplaced their log- in identification and/or password, they may call the following number: +33 (0)1 57 43 02 30.
      Once connected to the website, registered shareholders should follow the instructions appearing on the screen to access the VOTACCESS website and vote, appoint or revoke a proxy.
  • For holders of bearer shares: the shareholders are responsible for establishing whether their approved intermediary is connected to the VOTACCESS website and, if so, whether such access is subject to specific conditions or terms of use.

  • If the shareholders' approved intermediary is connected to the VOTACCESS website, they must log on to their approved intermediary's website with their usual log-in details. Then, they should click on the icon appearing on the line showing their Teleperformance SE shares and follow the instructions appearing on the screen to access the VOTACCESS website and vote, appoint or revoke a proxy.
    If the shareholder's approved intermediary is not connected to the VOTACCESS website, it is specified that the notification of the appointment or revocation of a proxy may also be performed by electronic means pursuant to the conditions described above.

The VOTACCESS website will open beginning on April 17, 2024.

The possibility to vote online before the Shareholders' Meeting will end the day preceding the Meeting, i.e. May 22, 2024 at 3 p.m. (Paris time).

Page 4 of 5

The present document is a translation into English of the "Avis de convocation" notice published in the Bulletin des Annonces

Légales Obligatoires dated April 17, 2024 (No 47). The present translation is provided for information purposes only.

However, in order to prevent overloading of the VOTACCESS website, it is recommended that shareholders not wait until the day preceding the Meeting to submit their votes.

3. It is hereby specified that any shareholder who has already expressed his/her vote, sent a proxy or requested an admission card or a certificate of participation (Article R.22-10-28 of the French Commercial Code):

  • may no longer opt for another form of participating in the Meeting;
  • may sell all or part of their shares.

However, if the transfer of ownership occurs before Tuesday May 21, 2024 0:00 a.m. (Paris time), the Company consequently invalids or amends, as appropriate, the remotely exercised vote, the proxy, the admission card or the certificate of participation. For this purpose, the authorized intermediary holding the account shall notify the Company or the shareholders' agent of said transfer of ownership and inform the shareholder as required. No transfer of ownership completed after Tuesday May 21, 2024 0:00 a.m. (Paris time), regardless of the method used, shall be notified by the approved intermediary or recorded by the Company, notwithstanding any agreement to the contrary.

  1. Written questions and consultation of documents made available to shareholders
  1. Pursuant to Article R.225-84 of the French Commercial Code, as from the date when the preparatory documents were made available to shareholders and no later than on the fourth business day preceding the date of the Shareholders' Meeting, i.e. May 16, 2024, shareholders seeking to ask written questions must send their questions to Teleperformance SE, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, 21-25 rue Balzac, 75008 Paris, France, by registered mail with proof of delivery or by sending an email to the following address: be recorded, said questions must be accompanied by a certificate of account registration. Pursuant to applicable law, a combined response may be given to questions presenting the same content.
  2. Pursuant to applicable legal and regulatory provisions, all documents that must be made available to shareholders in relation to shareholders' meetings, shall be available at the registered office of Teleperformance SE at 21-25 Rue Balzac, 75008 Paris, France, as from the date of the Meeting notice date and, for documents required under Article R.22-10-23 of the French Commercial Code (including the text of resolutions proposed by the Board of Directors to the shareholders' meeting), on the Company's website at the following address:,no later than the twenty-first day preceding the Meeting, i.e. May 2, 2024.

The Board of Directors

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Teleperformance SE published this content on 11 April 2024 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 17 April 2024 15:11:03 UTC.