On October 20, 2021, the Boards of Directors (collectively, the ?Board?) of each of The Bancorp, Inc. and its wholly-owned subsidiary, The Bancorp Bank (collectively, the ?Company?), received notification from director Daniel G. Cohen of his plan to simultaneously retire from the Board and the Company effective October 31, 2021, thereby terminating his employment, his directorship and his role as Chairman of the Board. After serving in these positions for over 22 years, Mr. Cohen has indicated his desires to pursue other entrepreneurial interests and business leadership opportunities. The Company?s Board of Directors has appointed director James J. McEntee III to succeed Mr. Cohen as its new Chairman, effective November 1, 2021. On October 20, 2021 the Board named Cheryl Creuzot as a director of the Company, to be effective on November 1, 2021. Mrs. Creuzot is currently President Emerita of Wealth Development Strategies, LLC and Wealth Development Strategies Investment Advisory, Inc., where she served as Principal and Managing Partner of these SEC and FINRA regulated firms from 2000 until 2018 when she stepped down from management. Also on October 20, 2021, the Board received notification from director John C. Chrystal of his plan to resign from his role as a director of the Company, effective February 28, 2022. After serving in this position for over 8 years, Mr. Chrystal has indicated his intent to pursue other entrepreneurial interests and business leadership opportunities.