The board of directors of China Tian Lun Gas Holdings Limited announced that Mr. Hu Xiaoming has resigned as an executive Director and the chief executive of the company due to other career pursuit which requires more of his attention with effect from 8 January 2015. The Board further announced that Mr. Xian Zhenyuan has been appointed as the chief executive of the Company with effect from 8 January 2015 as to comply with code provision A.2.1 of Appendix 14: Corporate Governance Code and Corporate Governance Report to the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited. Mr. Xian Zhenyuan is an executive Director and the General Manager of the company.

Mr. Xian was appointed as an executive Director on 13 October 2010. He is responsible for the overall management of the Group. Mr. Xian has ten years of experience in the management of gas enterprises.

Mr. Xian joined the Group in 2003, and had served as the director and general manager of certain subsidiaries of the Company successively.