Ultimate Sports, Inc. announced the launch of its groundbreaking Sannabis NO LICK! Terpene Spray, designed to elevate the cannabis experience by harnessing the power of cannabis terpenes by working in synergy with THC and CBD. Terpenes are aromatic compounds found in cannabis and a variety of other plants.

They not only contribute to the distinctive flavors and aromas of different strains but also play a crucial role in enhancing the effects of cannabinoids like THC and CBD, although the terpenes alone contain no THC or CBD.  This phenomenon is known as the Entourage Effect. The Sannabis NO LICK! Terpene Spray offers consumers a convenient way to enhance their cannabis experience by adding cannabis flower terpenes to their favorite products.

Whether used in conjunction with dried flower, concentrates, or edibles, this innovative spray allows users to customize and amplify the effects of their cannabis consumption. One unique feature of the Sannabis Terpene Spray is its versatility. In addition to enhancing the entourage effect when added directly to cannabis products, the spray can also be used as a hygienic alternative to saliva when rolling any material.

By spraying the adhesive edge of rolling papers with No Lick! Terpene Spray instead of licking, consumers can share a more sanitary and enjoyable experience. Research has shown that reintroducing terpenes to cannabis products can significantly enhance the effects of cannabinoids, CBD and THC.

By carefully selecting and blending terpenes known for their synergistic properties with cannabinoids, Sannabis has developed a product that delivers a potent and holistic cannabis experience at a price everyone can afford. Currently, many terpene sprays being marketed in the U.S. are not from cannabis. If they are, they are distilled from hemp stalk, not flower.

Real cannabis terpenes in the U.S. are pricey and high end, Sannabis is bringing high quality cannabis flower terpenes from Colombia, to the masses in the U.S., at affordable prices.