YPB Group Limited announced that it has signed a 10-year licence with NVISO SA of Switzerland to allow YPB to develop applications to determine the authenticity of video and media. NVISO's Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications detect human behavior and have successfully been deployed to work with next generation human machine interfaces such as autonomous vehicles, companion robots and other applications. Under the agreement, NVISO will work with YPB to develop interfaces to its core technology to allow YPB to build applications to determine the authenticity of a digitally generated video product.

In its second phase, YPB will seek to develop applications to determine other AI-generated media. The release of ChatGPT and competing Artificial Intelligence platforms will make the creation of fake videos and media an increasing risk. The applications YPB will jointly develop with NVISO on the core NVISO technology base are intended to allow videos and media created by AI to be identified, measured and commented upon to assist those who have the need to authenticate their content.

The ability to identify fake video and media has the potential to become critical to brand, institutional and personal integrity. YPB's will seek to develop a range of solutions to offer a simple, accurate means of authentication against the probable harm of things such as compromising faked videos, apparently perfect but faked documents, AI-generated essays and assignments, automated spam avalanches, and AI mass impersonation and disinformation campaigns. YPB will also use NVISO technology to enhance and deepen the accuracy and capabilities of its revolutionary MotifMicro product authentication solution.

YPB's objective is for its AI-detection solutions to be marketed and distributed online and be widely available to corporates, governments, institutions, and individuals. YPB's development timetable for this AI-detection solution using NVISO's technology to be integrated into YPB's authentication platforms is around 3 months with an estimated external contractor cost of approximately AUD 140,000 in addition to the use of YPB's internal development team of full stack and mobile developers who would be allocated to this project. The first development solution targeting Deepfake videos is targeted to be released in third quarter of 2023.