Z Holdings Corporation announced the changes in Senior Managing Corporate Officers and Managing Corporate Officers as of April 1, 2022, and addition of responsibilities to some officers. Co-GCTOs (Co-Group Chief Technology Officers) Euivin Park and Chiaki Fujimon will be promoted from Managing Corporate Officers to Senior Managing Corporate Officers. Greater emphasis will be placed on the opinions from the technology perspective in discussions and decision-making regarding overall management.

Takeshi Shimamura will be appointed Managing Corporate Officer, concurrently serving as Director of LINE Corporation and EVP, Managing Corporate Officer of Yahoo Japan Corporation. As of the same date, Ayumi Inagaki will cease duties as Managing Corporate Officer and will focus on duties as Senior Executive Officer of LINE Corporation. With the aim of strengthening the management structure for product growth, new CPOs (Chief Product Officers) supervising certain business domains responsible for promoting the growth of products in each field, will be appointed under the GCPO (Group Chief Product Officer) to speed up decision-making and business promotion.

New CPOs are GCPO (Group Chief Product Officer) is Jungho Shin; CPOs supervising specific domains: Marketing & Sales CPO is Takeshi dezawa; E-Commerce CPO is Takao Ozawa; Entertainment CPO is Jun Masuda; Global Business CPO is In Joon Hwang; and AI CPO is Chiaki Fujimon.