25 years after the privatisation of TDR, the Adris grupa launched a new employee stock ownership programme that will allow the current generation of employees to participate in the ownership of the company as well

Continuing the unique and beneficial tradition of employee participation in the ownership of the company, 25 years after the privatisation of TDR the Adris grupa launched a new employee stock ownership programme that will allow the current generation of employees to take part in the ownership of the company as well. The programme continues the very useful experience that gives employees who generate value the possibility of participating in the making of decisions about this value.

The current programme applies to employees of companies from the Adris grupa, who will be joined by employees of Croatia osiguranje after the restructuring has been finished.

The benefits of this programme for the company are proven not only by Adris' own experience, but also by trends in the European Union, where the level of employee owned capital in 2013 rose by more than 30% compared to 2012. The share prices of these companies rose more than the share prices of companies without employees in their stock ownership structure. The value of companies that introduced some form of employee stock ownership grows three or four times faster than the value of other companies. Participatory management can accelerate the growth further, by 10-15 percent. Studies have shown that employees who own company stocks identify with the company more easily and become more interested in the company's operations, growth and development, as well as its sustainability. The motivation and productiveness of such employees is much higher than the productivity of employees who do not own their company's stocks.

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