2014-09-29 13:24:27

KRYNICKI RECYKLING (Resolution No. 1055/2014)

Resolution No. 1055/2014
of the Management Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange
dated 24 September 2014

concerning the admission and the introduction to exchange trading
on the WSE Main List of series G bearer ordinary shares
of the company KRYNICKI RECYKLING S.A.

§ 1

The WSE Management Board represents that pursuant to § 19.1 of the WSE Rules, 666,000 series G bearer ordinary shares of the company KRYNICKI RECYKLING S.A. a par value PLN 0.10 each, are admitted to exchange trading on the parallel market.

§ 2

Pursuant to § 38.1 and § 38.3 of the WSE Rules, the WSE Management Board resolves to introduce as of 29 September 2014 by way of an ordinary procedure to exchange trading on the parallel market the shares of the company KRYNICKI RECYKLING S.A., mentioned in § 1, conditional on the registration of the series G shares and their coding as "PLKRNRC00012" by the National Depository for Securities on 29 September 2014.

§ 3

This Resolution shall take effect on the date of adoption.

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