Auto-Graphics, Inc. announced that SHAREit has been integrated with OCLC's WorldShare Management Services (WMS) ILS for their statewide and provincial customers. The new WMS module allows SHAREit to fully interact with OCLC WMS ILS systems in the same manner as any standard ILS using Z39.50. The WMS integration provides bibliographic data discovery, item level detail including availability, and related circulation status.

OCLC has opted to not support the Z39.50 protocol for WMS. Therefore, any of Auto-Graphics' resource sharing environments, or any ILS vendors needing to interact with institutions that are using the OCLC WMS ILS are unable to connect to these libraries. Auto-Graphics teamed up with IndexData and came up with a resolution to satisfy the needs of Auto-Graphics' customers. Auto-Graphics will use Z39.50, NCIP and now XML protocols connections for discovery of bibliographic data and holdings from any local ILS catalogs to create either a virtual or a hybrid resource sharing environment.

Since Auto-Graphics handles ILL Resource Sharing networks that overlay diverse groups of ILS consortia, it simply made sense. This new module allows SHAREit customers to integrate OCLC libraries in their resource sharing networks.