Carnegie Clean Energy Limited provided an update on the progress made on the CETO technology with Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company ("HPE"), multinational Information technology firm with a market cap. of USD 20 billion. Carnegie and HPE have been collaborating since 2020, and the work conducted by the two companies has delivered significant improvements in CETO's performance, specifically in relation to the technology's Reinforcement Learning-based controller.

Reinforcement Learning is a type of Artificial Intelligence where the system teaches itself how to operate optimally. The Reinforcement Learning controller has the ability to directly learn and apply the optimum response to predicted waves, during operation. In this case, it learns by being rewarded for the electricity it generates from waves, positioning itself to gain more out of each wave.

Together, Carnegie and HPE are building on the 20% power gain reached for the Reinforcement Learning controller, as presented by HPE at NeurIPS in December 2021, a global conference on Neural Information Processing Systems.