China BlueChemical Ltd. at the AGM, the shareholders approved the appointment of Mr. Li Ruiqing as an Executive Director, to authorise the Executive Director to sign the relevant service contract on behalf of the Company with Mr. Li Ruiqing, and to authorise the Board, which in turn will further delegate the remuneration committee of the Board to determine his remuneration. Mr. Li will only receive remuneration for his position as senior management of the Company but will not receive director's remuneration during his term as the executive Director. As of the date of this announcement and save as disclosed in the Circular, Mr. Li did not hold any other directorships in other listed companies in the past three years and he (i) had no relationship with any Directors, supervisors, senior management or substantial or controlling Shareholders of the Company; (ii) had no interest in any Shares within the meaning of Part XV of the SFO; and (iii) held no other position with the Company or other members of the Group.