The board of directors of China Netcom Technology Holdings Limited (the "Company", together with its subsidiaries, the "Group") hereby announced that Mr. Zhu Jianfei ("Mr. Zhu") has tendered his resignation as an executive Director, an authorised representative of the Company (the "Authorised Representative") for the purpose of Rule 5.24 of The Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on GEM (the "GEM Listing Rules") of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the "Stock Exchange") and a compliance officer of the Company (the "Compliance Officer") for the purpose of Rule 5.19 of the GEM Listing Rules on 14 April 2022 so that he can dedicate more efforts to the daily operation of the subsidiary(ies) of 51 Credit Card Inc., the holding company of the Company whose shares are listed and traded on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange ("51 Credit Card"). The Board further announced that Ms. Wu Shan ("Ms. Wu"), has been appointed as an executive Director, the Authorised Representative and the Compliance Officer with effect from 14 April 2022. Wu Shan is an executive director and a vice-president of 51 Credit Card.