Coface launches Power the Core, its 2024-2027 strategic plan 'to develop a benchmark global credit risk management ecosystem'.

Coface raises its financial targets. The Group is aiming for an undiscounted combined ratio of ~78% through the cycle, an improvement of 2 points compared with Build to Lead, a cycle-average RoATE of 11.0%, an improvement of 1.5 points in an environment of interest rates equivalent to current rates, a solvency ratio at the top end of the target range of 155%-175%, with a payout ratio equal to at least 80% of consolidated net income, and an additional contribution from information services to the Group's RoATE of 50 basis points from 2027.

Xavier Durand, Coface's Chief Executive Officer, commented: 'On the financial front, we are once again improving our mid-cycle targets, and are aiming for a positive contribution from information services of an additional 50 basis points to RoATE 2027.'

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