Crunchfish have released Digital Cash 2.2 enabling consecutive offline payments, in which the payer and payee exchange a transaction offline, and the payee can immediately spend the received funds in another offline transaction without going online. This feature may be the most desirable approach for CBDC given its reputation to the properties of cash. Con consecutive offline payments allow the payee to immediately spend the received funds in an offline context, without having to go online to settle the transaction.

This is desirable as it mimics real cash which can be transferred without requiring online connectivity. Several properties are available to control the consecutive offline payments feature, as it may be required in CBDC schemes and/or according to bank policies. Such properties include e.g. how much funds can be transferred and how many consecutive hops are allowed.

Besides the consecutive offline payments feature, Digital Cash 2.2 also includes improvements in certificate management such as verifier certificate revocation and re-key triggering of wallet certificate, general improvements and minor bug fixes. The Digital Cash 2.2 version is based on the Digital Cash 2.1 release that implements trusted payments over telecom.