Daiwa House Logistics Trust announced Resignation of Takeshi Fujita as Chief Executive Officer. Role and responsibilities: Executive. Mr. Fujita was appointed as Non-Independent Executive Director and CEO of the Company on 26 November 2020 and 15 June 2021 respectively.

Mr. Fujita works with the REIT Manager's Board of Directors to determine the strategy for DHLT and other members of the management team of the REIT Manager to ensure DHLT operates in accordance with the REIT Manager's stated investment strategy. In addition, he is also responsible for the overall day-to-day management and operations of DHLT and working with the REIT Manager's investment, asset management, financial and legal and compliance personnel in meeting the strategic, investment and operational objectives for DHLT. Reason for cessation: As part of the progressive succession planning of Daiwa House Group, Mr. Takeshi Fujita will relinquish his current role as the Non-Independent Executive Director and CEO of Daiwa House Asset Management Asia Pte.

Ltd., as manager of Daiwa House Logistics Trust ("DHLT" and the manager of DHLT, the "REIT Manager"), and rotate back to Daiwa House Industry Co. Ltd. for a new designated role. The Board of Directors of REIT Manager wishes to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Takeshi Fujita for his services to DHLT and the REIT Manager during his term of office.