Richmond Minerals Inc. announced that the agreement between European Lithium Limited and Richmond announced on March 27, 2023 has been finalized. 2743718 Ontario Inc. (Ontario), a subsidiary of Richmond Minerals Inc. has sold, and European Lithium Limited has acquired, 100% of the rights, title and interest in the Bretstein-Lachtal Project, Klementkogel Project and the Wildbach graben Project located in central Austria, Europe. Pursuant to the sale, EUR has issued to Richmond the following: $250,000 in cash (Australian $), 2,000,000 fully paid ordinary shares of EUR at a deemed issue price of $0.07 per share to be issued out of the EUR's current 15% placement capacity pursuant to Listing Rule 7.1, and 2,000,000 unlisted options ($0.12 each which expire 3 years from the date of issue).