Green Cures and Botanical Distribution Inc. has begun developing two new product lines under the Original Hollywood Hemp™ brand name. The new line will feature hemp-infused body wash, 3-in-1 (shampoo, conditioner, and body wash), lotions, creams, and bubble bath products. These products are generally highly accessible to men and will grant them the skin and hair benefits of hemp oil that have previously been available primarily within the constraints of more effeminately branded product lines. In addition to the new product line for men, the company is working on a new lineup called the “Red Carpet Treatment” which aims to pamper customers with fresh and young feeling skin, with pleasant and calming aromas to match. The new lineup will feature hemp-infused bath balls, bars of soap, bath salts, body washes, candles, potpourris, exfoliating sugar cubes, lotions, facial masks and creams, and lip moisturizers. Heavy emphasis will be placed on minimal product design, striving towards competing with leading luxury brands.