Contents Combined separate non-financial report


Sustainability at GRAMMER



Supply chain



Organizational structure of sustainability



Supplier management for environmental and


Materiality analysis


social standards



Support for the UN Sustainable Development Goals



Procurement of commodities from an


Inclusion of all stakeholders


environmental perspective






Working conditions and human rights



Risk evaluation of non-financial matters



Employees and community



Responsible corporate governance



Employee satisfaction



Compliance and combating corruption and bribery



Employee development



Data protection



Diversity and equal opportunities



Information security



Occupational health and safety



Social commitment






Customer health and safety



Disclosures in accordance with Regulation (EU)


Sustainable product development


2020/852 (Taxonomy Regulation)



Sustainable materials



Background and objectives






Reporting by GRAMMER AG for the 2023 financial year



Taxonomy-eligible economic activities






Alignment assessment






Taxonomy-eligible and Taxonomy-aligned turnover



CO2 emissions



Taxonomy-eligible and Taxonomy-aligned




CapEx and OpEx









About this report



Annex: GRI Index


GRAMMER Combined separate non-financial report 2023


Combined separate non-financial report 2023

For GRAMMER, sustainability begins with the people who work at

The positive results of our sustainability initiatives have also

safety management systems around the world by the end of

the Company and who are linked to it. It covers such aspects as

translated into higher ratings from rating agencies: Despite a sig-


research and development (R&D), procurement and production

nificant change to the rating methodology, our EcoVadis score

as well as the finished products and the end-of-life recycling of

improved from 56 to 58 out of 100 points last year. In 2023, GRAM-


Organizational structure of sustainability

product components. With the expansion of its global presence

MER received a B grade from the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)

We optimized the organizational structure to coordinate sus-

and the organization's broad footprint, the GRAMMER Group is

for climate protection, with its water security rating improving

tainability aspects internationally across the GRAMMER Group

also supporting this message internationally.

from C to B-.

even more effectively in 2023. The structure is designed to drive

the implementation and promotion of sustainability still further.

In 2022, GRAMMER defined clear climate protection targets and


Sustainability at GRAMMER

continued to work on them in the 2023 reporting year. The Com-

CSR representatives, who report directly to the global Corpo-

pany is well on track to reduce Scope 1 and 2 CO2 emissions by

rate Social Responsibility team (CSR team), were appointed for

25% by 2025. It also intends to reduce emissions by 50% by

The GRAMMER Group, based in Ursensollen (Germany), is a global

each region (EMEA, AMERICAS and APAC). We are also in the

2030 and by 100% by 2040.

company that operates in two business segments: GRAMMER

process of establishing sustainability teams in each plant con-

develops and produces high-quality interior and operating sys-

sisting of permanent contact persons from various depart-

GRAMMER has started recording Scope 3 emissions in parallel

tems and innovative thermoplastic components for the global

ments, such as HR, Production, Quality or Plant Management.

with these efforts. A team is working hard to develop realistic

automotive industry. GRAMMER is a full-service provider of driver

These teams will regularly report to the regional CSR represen-

targets for these emissions. At the same time, the Company is

and passenger seats for trucks, buses, trains and off-road vehi-

tatives in meetings.

stepping up its efforts to make increased use of sustainable

cles. We are committed to sustainability and have embedded its

materials. To this end, it has established a team with responsi-

economic, ethical and ecological principles in our corporate guide-

The CSR team maintains regular dialog with the CSR Council,

bility for the implementation of these materials.


which GRAMMER established in 2015. Besides the Executive

Board, the members consist of Group area managers from the

We actively integrate suppliers, partners and service providers

We aspire to make thinking and acting sustainably an integral

first management level below the Executive Board:

into our sustainability strategy. As a result, we were well pre-

part of the Company's DNA. To us, accepting responsibility for

pared for the new Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz (LkSG -

people, society and the environment means not putting a strain

Research and Development

German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act), which came into effect

on people and nature as far as possible and furthering their abil-


on January 1, 2023. We have taken a range of measures to facili-

ity to regenerate. We take the interests of all our stakeholders


tate this, including the establishment of a human rights officer,

into account, further our employees' interests and have intro-


the implementation of a human rights policy, the introduction of

duced uniform ISO-certified environmental management for all


software to monitor our suppliers' ability to supply, the estab-

our locations worldwide. At the end of the first quarter of 2024,


lishment of a whistleblower system and the updating of our Code

an ISO-certified energy management system will have been intro-

Investor Relations

of Conduct (CoC) and Supplier Code of Conduct (SCoC).

duced at over half our locations worldwide. We are aiming to


implement energy management and occupational health and


GRAMMER Combined separate non-financial report 2023

Sustainability at GRAMMER


  • Supply Chain Management
  • Quality
  • Health, Security and Environmental Management
  • IT
  • Marketing and Communication
  • Sales
  • Data Protection

and from the three regions EMEA, AMERICAS, APAC and the two product areas. Through the CSR Council, we can guarantee that sustainability is firmly embedded and continually developed in line with corporate strategy and statutory requirements. The units represented on the CSR Council are responsible for imple-

Good corporate governance


Data security, infor­ mation and IT security

Employees and



Supply chain


Sustainable product

CO2 emissions

Working conditions

Employee satisfaction


and human rights

Material efficiency

Energy and

Sustainable procure-

Occupational health


ment of commodities

and safety

Customer health


Diversity and equal

and safety


Green Company

Corporate citizenship

menting the strategic CSR objectives.

These objectives are grouped under the company-wide "Sus- tainable Company" initiative. Goals to be achieved in the medium and long term were defined for five action areas: energy and resource efficiency, efficient use of materials, avoidance of waste and recycling, reduction of emissions and development of sustainable products.

1.2 Materiality analysis

In the fourth quarter of 2023, work started on conducting a new materiality analysis in accordance with the principle of double materiality laid down in the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) and defining material aspects with a positive and negative impact as well as material opportunities and risks along the entire value chain. These aspects were subsequently assessed by various internal stakeholders and checked in various validation steps.

However, since the results of the new materiality analysis do not cover the entire reporting period, the NFR (non-financial report) is still based on the 14 material aspects of the materiality analysis conducted in 2020.

1.3 Support for the UN Sustainable Development Goals

As an international operator, GRAMMER actively contributes to the achievement of the Global Sustainability Goals. Adopted in 2015, the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) comprise 17 objectives aimed at making the world more sustainable and fairer by 2030. To highlight the relevance of the SDGs and to make our contribution visible, we are focusing on five subject areas and their goals to which we can contribute as a company:

GRAMMER Combined separate non-financial report 2023

Sustainability at GRAMMER



Aspects of relevance for

Material aspects

Non-financial aspects


the GRAMMER Group

Good corporate governance



Supply chain

Employees and community


Data security, Information and IT security

Sustainable product development Material efficiency

Customer health and safety

CO2 emissions

Energy and resources 1


Working conditions and human rights Sustainable procurement of commodities

Employee satisfaction Occupational health and safety Diversity and equal opportunities Corporate citizenship 2

Cross-cutting issue, particularly anti-corruption

Environmental concerns, social concerns

Environmental concerns

Cross-cutting issue, relates to all non-financial aspects

Employee matters, social concerns

  • Increased efficiency and process optimization through expanded expertise and its integration into our projects by the end of 2024
  • Intensification and continuation of product development and sustainable materials
  • Minus 50% CO2 by the year 2030 and minus 100% by the year 2040
  • Switch to 100% green electricity at all locations by 2025
  • Global implementation of ISO 50001 by the end of 2024
  • 100% of global suppliers confirm GRAMMER's policies for suppliers
  • Transparency and controlling of our supplier's compliance with human rights and environmental due diligence obligations under the LkSG (German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act)
  • Introduction of whistleblowing tool for internal and external use
  • Increasing the share of women in top management (20%)
  • Intensifying the training of employees (interculturality, languages, diversity etc.)
  • Global implementation of ISO 45001 by the end of 2024
  • Strengthening and promoting voluntary commitment of employees worldwide (concretisation of the concept and structural anchoring at GRAMMER worldwide)
  1. Energy and resources, incl. water and biodiversity.
  2. No material aspect; reporting is voluntary.

GRAMMER Combined separate non-financial report 2023

Sustainability at GRAMMER


1.4 Inclusion of all stakeholders

GRAMMER attaches particular importance to dialog with its various stakeholders, such as employees, customers and suppli- ers, and to the inclusion of their perspectives. Communication with our stakeholders is mostly handled directly by the respective departments and units. The results of this dialog are tracked and can be accessed in order to address corresponding inquiries from outside the Company or to convey messages from within the Company to the public at large. As GRAMMER maintains very close contact with its stakeholders, we were able to take the expectations of the different groups into account in our sustainability concepts as well.

The GRAMMER's Group Stakeholders





Politics and

and suppliers




1.5 Ratings

ESG (environment, social, governance) rating agencies are key players on the capital market and a basis for sustainable invest- ment. Most providers publicly disclose the results of their ratings and rankings. They are used by investors as transparent and additional decision-making aids - and customer expectations of companies in terms of certain rating results are rising all the time.

In 2023, GRAMMER received a B grade in the sustainability rating from the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) in the area of climate protection, and in the area of water safety, an improvement from C to B- was achieved. The score from EcoVadis, a leading provider of ESG ratings, improved despite a significant change to the rating methodology to 58 (previously 56) out of 100 points. Consistently high ratings are achieved on NQC (a rating tool for suppliers in the automotive supply chain), which shows that GRAMMER satisfies the requirements of many of its customers for its contract award process.

risks to be detected, analyzed, and assessed early on so that countermeasures and risk mitigation can be implemented promptly.

Under the CSR Directive Implementation Act governing the disclosure of non-financial and diversity-related information, companies must not only report on the material aspects but also explain the related risks. The concept of risk has been broadened and integrated into risk management to model the non-financial risks involved in the process. Internal experts have assessed the qualitative impact of corporate activities. GRAM- MER views risk in net terms, i.e. after taking account of risk mitigation measures and opportunities.

No material risks that are linked to the Company's own busi- ness, business relations or products and are liable to have severely adverse effects on non-financial aspects have been identified in connection with non-financial aspects. However, there are fundamental risks that can affect individual non-financial aspects. Among other things, this applies to ecological risks that we address with our management systems in accordance with ISO 14001 (Environmental Management) and ISO 50001 (Energy Management).



1.6 Risk evaluation of non-financial matters

Doing business entails both risks and opportunities. We have defined various principles relating to risk policy in our risk strat- egy. In a risk management context, risks and opportunities refer to any positive or negative deviations from an uncertain plan. Risk management thus contributes to value-based corporate governance. We have established a uniform Group-wide risk management system to address such risks. This process allows

We have also implemented sustainability risks in the areas of environmental, social and corporate governance sustainability (ESG) issues in our risk management and adapted our risk management system in line with the requirements of the Lieferket- tensorgfaltspflichtengesetz (LkSG - German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act). Thus, we have analyzed the risks of our own operations and our supply chains.

GRAMMER Combined separate non-financial report 2023

Sustainability at GRAMMER


2. Responsible corporate governance

As a global Group, we have an obligation to the rules and ethical requirements of markets, countries and regions. Further- more, we have made a commitment to values that infuse our commercial activities and guide our employees every day. These values include the protection of human rights, outlawing child and forced labor, anti-corruption, professional data protection and information security.

We use clear and open communication to create transparency

  • for our employees, our customers, our suppliers and share- holders. It is important to us to balance the interests of our stake- holders and to maintain a respectful approach. In this way we are creating the deep-seated trust that is required for our busi- ness success and our corporate culture.

2.1 Compliance and combating corruption and bribery Compliance with national laws and international regulations is of fundamental importance for safeguarding GRAMMER's busi- ness activities. We espouse a corporate culture that encourages a sense of responsibility among our employees and maintains integrity as a basis for working together in a spirit of mutual trust. All GRAMMER employees therefore have an obligation to act accordingly. OurCode of Conduct and internal compliance, anti- trust law and anti-corruptionpolicies contain corresponding reg- ulations.

The increasing statutory requirements for companies pose a challenge in the field of compliance: They are forced to make significantly more effort not to be exposed to accusations of organizational negligence or other liability risks. At the same time, the additional expense must be contained in order to remain com- petitive.

One potential risk is that violations of laws and guidelines typically result in a significant loss of trust, exclusion from tenders or the loss of business relationships. In contrast to this, the care-

ful implementation of standards promotes trusting relationships with business partners, employees and other stakeholders.

Our strategic approach

Compliance with laws and international regulations is a top priority for GRAMMER. Above all, this includes respecting human rights, fair trade practices, the prohibition of corruption and the avoidance of conflicts of interest. We respect the freedom of association and reject forced and child labor. Furthermore, we comply with the applicable data protection law (see section 2.2, p. 8) and handle confidential information with due care (see section 2.3, pp. 8-9). We are committed to protecting the ­en­vironment, to occupational health and safety and to social responsibility.

The aim of our compliance management is to guarantee the effectiveness and viability of our Company by respecting the legal provisions. Violations are detected and penalized.

We have set out corresponding guidelines in our Code of Con- duct, which is binding for all employees: The GRAMMER Code of Conduct is available to all employees on the intranet in eleven languages. All new employees are informed of the Code of Conduct and it is explained to them in training. Additional training sessions in which they can refresh their knowledge of the Code of Conduct and the internal compliance guidelines take place at intervals of two to three years. We also publish articles on compliance on the intranet.

For this purpose, the Transparency International corruption index for specific countries provides an important indicator for determining the frequency of audits at individual locations. If an audit gives rise to a reasonable suspicion, we commence an investigation and take the requisite action as necessary.

GRAMMER has also set up a whistleblower system with which employees and external stakeholders can report any suspicions - both anonymously and in various languages. There is

also the option to make contact via a Compliance e-mail inbox and to communicate in person, by phone or by mail in accordance with EU and German whistleblowing legislation. Following thorough verification, incoming compliance complaints are investigated and, if a suspicion is confirmed and a breach has taken place, appropriate measures are taken.

Implementation of the CCO to strengthen compliance in the Group To coordinate compliance activities, the position of Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) was created for the first time in 2022. The CCO holds chief responsibility for handling compliance issues and reports directly to the Executive Board. Moreover, the CCO also reports regularly to the Audit Committee of the GRAMMER Group. A multidisciplinary body, which is independent from the Executive Board and staffed by representatives from Compliance, Legal, HR, Internal Audit and other members as necessary, is responsible for assessing and handling any information received on breaches of compliance. This panel guarantees objectivity, fairness, appropriateness and comparability in the handling of information and any internal investigations.

We have adapted our Code of Conduct and the whistleblower process in line with new standards such as the EU Whistleblower Directive and the German Whistleblower Protection Act. Compliance incidents were investigated and, where the reports proved justified, measures were taken. We used the findings from these cases to prevent future breaches and improve the compliance management system in these areas.

There were no confirmed incidents of corruption anywhere in the GRAMMER Group in the 2023 reporting year.


In 2024, the compliance management system is to be refined, the compliance risk management system is to be further harmonized with strategic risk management, and internal training is to be expanded.

GRAMMER Combined separate non-financial report 2023

Responsible corporate governance


2.2 Data protection

Since the introduction of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in 2016 at the latest, companies have been paying more attention to the security of personal data. At GRAM- MER too, protecting the data of our employees, customers and business partners is a top priority, and we ensure that we comply with all statutory standards worldwide, including the GDPR and the supplementary Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (BDSG - German Data Protection Act).

A growing number of certifications is required to verify data protection at companies and to provide credible evidence of this to outside observers. Violations of data protection laws can lead to a loss of trust and fines by regulators.

Our strategic approach

GRAMMER has embedded high data protection standards within the Company. A data protection organization that reports to the Executive Board has been in place for many years. The data protection officer is responsible for ensuring compliance with the statutory guidelines and the internal data protection policy, which is binding for all GRAMMER employees. The employees of the data protection organization answer questions and implement corresponding solutions. Group IT performs regular IT security tests and authorization checks in a support capacity.

We expect our employees to respect our customers' and business partners' business secrets - and to protect industrial property rights, business secrets and other confidential company information against unauthorized disclosure. Mandatory classroom -based and online training is available in order to further heighten employees' data protection awareness. Data protection training is also part of the Group-wide compliance training concept.

In 2023, approximately 3,000 employees completed online data protection training, while approximately 400 employees participated in classroom-based training.


The data protection management system will be expanded and harmonized across countries in 2024.

2.3 Information security

Information is a key asset at GRAMMER. We therefore attach great importance to the security and availability of the data stored or processed by the Company. Information security protects us and our customers against tangible and intangible damage. We therefore use state-of-the-art IT systems and physical safeguards to protect against fire, flood and theft.

The rising number of cyberattacks poses significant challenges for IT security the world over. The loss or unauthorized publication of information can have serious consequences for compa- nies: These extend from grave financial damage to loss of image, lost contracts and customers, or their ability to act being com- promised. It is therefore essential that information security is analyzed and improved continuously within the Company.

Our strategic approach

Information security ensures that data stay confidential and available - regardless of whether such information is digital, on paper, a fax, an e-mail or spoken out loud. Accordingly, we have introduced an information security management system (ISMS) at all our locations around the world. This is based on such standards as the international ISO/IEC 27000 series and the Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange (TISAX) automotive standard.

In order to guarantee IT security in line with requirements, tools and methods are used to identify phishing campaigns. Besides the internal security procedures, the IT security infrastructure is also monitored by an external service provider at all times. GRAMMER assists its suppliers with appropriate software to safeguard its supply chains.

Security zones and permission concepts for the physical security of information are in place at all GRAMMER locations. Access to offices and other premises is regulated by keycards or keys.

Another key aspect of information security is employee aware- ness, as they are often the biggest security risk - typically through unintended wrong-doing. All employees are responsible for ensuring appropriate information security at all times within their own purview. They are assisted in this by established processes, guidelines and regular training. Management is tasked with implementing the regulations of the integrated management system and conducting security measures.

The Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) is responsible for information security throughout the Company and defines the guidelines. He reports directly to the Executive Board. IT Security is in charge of the practical implementation and reports to the Chief Financial Officer (CFO). The Supervisory Board likewise receives reports regularly.

TISAX certification for production facilities

In 2022, we initiated the process to have the entire GRAMMER Group certified with the TISAX label "handling of information with very high protection needs" - for all production facilities in a delivery relationship with carmakers. The process was successfully completed for the relevant locations and the label was issued. The TISAX label is currently being extended to include "prototype protection."

GRAMMER Combined separate non-financial report 2023

Responsible corporate governance



As far as cyberattacks are concerned, continuously improving "cyber resilience" and "operational continuity management" is paramount.

3. Products

GRAMMER attaches great importance to the sustainability of its products along their lifecycle - from development and production to use and recycling. Key criteria include customer safety and ergonomics, ecological and environmentally friendly product development, sustainable materials and product innovations.

Our seating systems and interior products are currently produced and sold at 44 production and logistics facilities around the world. Roughly 600 engineers and R&D employees work at 14 inter­ national locations with the aim of continuously enhancing the ergonomics, safety, functionality, quality and aesthetics of our products. The Group is capable of developing products with state-of-the-art tools and systems - from simulating characteristics using state-of-the-art test facilities to practical testing and prototyping. Smaller research and development teams are located in GRAMMER's own plants as well.

Non-capitalized R&D expenses amounted to EUR 80.5 million in the 2023 financial year (previous year: EUR 86.9 million), representing 3.5% of total revenue (previous year: 4.0%). Also, ­development costs of EUR 7.1 million (previous year: EUR 7.1 million) were capitalized in fixed assets. In 2023, Group-wide property rights (patents, designs and utility models) pending and granted fell by 3.7% to 1,977 (previous year: 2,054).

3.1 Customer health and safety

Every day, roughly ten million people around the world use seats, headrests and consoles produced by GRAMMER - most of them

at work: As professional drivers, they drive trucks, buses, agricultural machinery, construction vehicles or forklifts, often for hours at a time, five days a week. GRAMMER consoles can be found in passenger cars, where they assist users both privately and professionally. We want the people who use our products to feel safe and comfortable and to stay healthy. Ergonomics are therefore the most important factor in product development.

Our strategic approach

People and their subjective perceptions define the product expe- rience. "Perceived quality" is the guiding principle when developing our products. Cooperation between interdisciplinary teams of developers and ergonomics experts is of great importance to guarantee that user interaction for all relevant applications is as positive as possible. They work together to define the usage requirements for the respective product, on the basis of which solutions can be developed. These solutions are evaluated and optimized in an iterative process. Findings gleaned from internal testing and appointments with customers are also incorporated continuously. Further communication with international experts from industry and research allows us to remain at the cutting edge of developments at all times. With our ergo- nomic products, we therefore contribute to a working environ-

ment that offers maximum comfort and keeps users healthy in the long term.

Ergonomic products

Our suspended seats for commercial vehicles satisfy the highest ergonomic requirements. They assist drivers in their work by providing optimal support while also allowing maximum freedom of movement and reducing vibration exposure. They prevent back problems and help users to maintain their performance in the long term.

The same goes for multifunction armrests in commercial vehicles: Their ergonomic design eases the strain on the spine and forearm, improves concentration and heightens comfort.

Headrests for passenger cars protect the cervical spine in the event of an accident. Models that enable users to not only adjust the height but also an individual distance from the head are especially effective.

In 2023, the ergonomics of various product characteristics were revised as part of the development of our new seat generation for the agricultural/construction machinery sector. The seat occupancy identification system was optimized to be able to reliably record a vast range of seating positions in the field. The redesign of the operating concept will increase user-friendliness significantly and make it easier to reach the controls. Implementation of a full-width cushion design with increased minimum foam density, a new cross contour to improve lateral support or the repositioning of the belt retractor are only some of the additional changes we have made to improve comfort. The option of integrating a haptic system seat can also give users reliable information in working environments characterized by visual and auditory overload. We will contribute actively to improving safety at work with these changes.

GRAMMER Combined separate non-financial report 2023

Responsible corporate governance


Ergonomics competence enhanced

Rapid technological progress is being accompanied by the

substitute metal die-cast components by using high-perfor-

Methods in the area of ergonomics were continuously optimized

steadily growing demands made of component suppliers by vehi-

mance plastics.

in 2023: The introduction of a test vehicle to record the forces

cle manufacturers. Alongside safety, new vehicle concepts, drive

involved in horizontal vibrations means that body dynamics can

types and the level of automation are defining the framework for

be depicted biomechanically. The partial automation of post-pro-

product development. Other specific aspects in the automotive

cessing of micro-climate data facilitates significantly faster and

industry include achieving carbon neutrality throughout the value

more precise analysis of the results. In particular, the develop-

chain and the use of recycled materials.

ment of models based on human body data improves product

design in early prototype phases.

Our strategic approach

The use of sustainable and recycled materials remains our key

In the area of research, we staged the fourth International Com-

priority. We are also working on the development of circular prod-

fort Congress with OTH Amberg-Weiden. Various areas of mobil-


ity and their future comfort requirements were discussed here.

We have refined our research partner network and held various

Sustainable and recycled materials (see section 3.3, pp. 11-12)

workshops, training sessions and lectures on vehicle ergonom-

As an alternative to the carbon-intensive materials such as

ics at research institutions.

plastic, foam and steel, we focus on materials from renewable

We use a state-of-the-art innovation management system to

resources, recycled materials and the use of natural fibers.

refine our product portfolio: A new product idea is first coordi-


Green steel will not be available in sufficient quantities and at

nated by an international team consisting of product and process

We aim to expand particular aspects of our practical knowledge

acceptable prices in the short term, but GRAMMER is already in

experts as well as employees and managers from Sales and Pur-

in 2024. The integration of these findings into our projects will

touch with its steel suppliers and will gradually switch to mini-

chasing. Defined assessment criteria are used to decide whether

be of particular significance here. At the same time, we will imple-

mum-emission steel over the coming years.

GRAMMER will pursue the idea. It is then added to our innovation

ment planned efficiency enhancement and standardization

roadmap and its implementation is planned.

measures to optimize our processes and further improve the

Efficiency of materials

quality of our work.

The economic use of materials also conserves resources and is

At GRAMMER, sustainability is embedded in product development

good for the climate. We therefore use processes such as foam

right from the start: We are already assessing the carbon foot-


injection molding, which minimizes the consumption of materials

print when the component concepts are first being created. Even

- Preserving users' health and safety will also be of the utmost

in our production processes. At the same time, the quantity of

the production process and its energy efficiency are taken into

importance for GRAMMER in the future. The development of

materials in products is reduced by innovative construction and

account as they make a significant contribution to CO2 emissions.

innovative products that offer ergonomic added value in use

material solutions.

Concepts such as recyclability and the easy separation of com-

for our customers is therefore paramount.

ponent assemblies is factored into product development as well.

Light-weight construction

Components and processes with the biggest impact on the eco-

We make a contribution to climate protection by reducing the

logical footprint are identified early on and products are made as

3.2 Sustainable product development

weight of our seats, center consoles, armrests and headrests.

green as possible by a deft choice of materials and construction.

Sustainable product development is a key part of GRAMMER's

Less material does more than conserve resources: The lower

strategic "Sustainable Company" initiative: With innovative and

weight of the vehicle also reduces operational fuel consumption

In addition to CO2 emissions, we are also reducing our volatile

sustainable product solutions, we offer our customers environ-

for our customers, which can help to cut greenhouse gas emis-

organic compound (VOC) emissions. In the Automotive product

mentally friendly alternatives and contribute towards climate

sions. We reduce weight through function integration, which

area, we use emissions-optimized alternative foam materials in

and environmental protection as well resource conservation.

means fewer components are required. Another approach is to

a number of regions. Coating processes are another source of

GRAMMER Combined separate non-financial report 2023




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Grammer AG published this content on 27 March 2024 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 16 April 2024 09:14:01 UTC.