Kelso Technologies Inc. reported that it has filed its first Patent application for the Company's Automated Traction Optimization Method for Vehicle Suspension Systems (" Method"). The Patent Application forms the Company's initial proprietary claims and intellectual foundation for its automotive wilderness technologies. This patent application filing begins the Company's comprehensive proprietary protection program for its current and future technologies.

The Method has been researched, designed, engineered and developed in the Company's wholly owned subsidiary KIQ X Industries Inc. ("KIQ") under proprietary brand name KXI Wildertec. Over the past two years a talented team of engineers, technology specialists, wilderness experts and corporate stakeholders committed to the successful creation of a unique and proprietary vehicle suspension control method. The technology automatically orients a vehicle around its center of gravity and adjusts itself to safely apply optimal ground pressure to each wheel to deliver maximum traction and stability in real time.

The design objective of the Method is to ensure all vehicle maneuvers, whether automated or manual, are performed in a stable balanced position when driven in complex and dynamic environments. Challenging maneuvers addressed by the Method include ledge climbs, ledge drops, ditch crossings, extreme obstacles and severe side-slope challenges. Extensive testing in extreme wilderness scenarios has confirmed that the Method can be expected to provide: Novel traction capabilities for a vehicle to better access remote wilderness areas by automated management of each wheel?s ground pressure oriented to the center-of-gravity of the vehicle delivering predicable, stable travel in diverse wilderness terrain compositions; Diminishment of wheel slip and the enablement of safer climbing, traversing and descending operations resulting in lower negative ecological impacts and less fuel consumption; Gyroscopically balanced ride controls provide preset and automatically adjusting configurations that improve ride quality to enable safer travel speeds on wilderness service roads, rugged trails and better access to overgrown, heavily sloped and complex wilderness terrain while mitigating occupant stress and fatigue.