Caladrius Biosciences, Inc. announced the appointment of Steven S. Meyers, previously the Board's lead independent Director, as interim Chairman of the Board, subsequent to the resignation of Robin L. Smith, M.D, as Chairman of the Board and a Director. In addition, the company announced the appointment of Robert A. Preti, Ph.D., Senior Vice President, Manufacturing and Technical Operations and Chief Technology Officer of Caladrius Biosciences, to its Board of Directors. With these changes, the Caladrius Biosciences Board remains at eight Directors.

Dr. Preti is the President and co-founder of PCT, a Caladrius company, and the visionary behind its successful growth and development strategy over much of the last two decades. As Chief Technology Officer of Caladrius, he is involved in assessing and directing the development of Caladrius' cell therapy pipeline, as well as participating in setting the Company's strategic direction.