Nitches Inc. announced its first full scale NFT collection and collaborative launch with John Lewis' featuring "PeaceOnMarz" with Martian PFPs. Nitches is collaborating with John Lewis to create some "bad ass" Martian imagery, a strong storyline, all-inclusive marketing plan, NFT project and roadmap of future perks for the "PeaceOnMarz" community. NFTs are unique digital art and collectibles that can be owned, sold, and traded using blockchain technology.

Renowned digital artists will design the Martian NFTs, which will be sold as digital art and collectibles. With "PeaceOnMarz," Nitches plans to create a long-term NFT venture that does more than just sell a digital image – it builds a community centered around the desire to promote peace and protect the planet. Being a member of the community will lead to a number of benefits such as airdrops, donations to charities and high-quality NFTs.

The program will inspire derivative NFT projects that encourage the same universal message. NFT technology is also part of Nitches' Owner Verification System (OVS™), which proves authenticity and ownership. Nitches plans on releasing more details about the PeaceOnMarz NFT Collection, Collaborative Launch and Community in the very near term.