CleanPath Resources Corp. announced that it has secured a marketing agreement with Marz Sprays to distribute their highly innovative oral sprays for weight loss and energy. These concentrated sprays come in compact bottles easily carried and used by the customer.

With proven ingredients, a generous supply in every bottle, and the initial public acceptance of the product, CleanPath Resources Corp. expects to exceed its current goals in sales which were missed in October. In addition the company has completed a binding letter of intent with Rhythm Rooster for an exclusive agreement to distribute their alkaline structured New Fossil water that will be entering the market after the first of the year.

New Fossil water is made by removing virtually all of the solids in water and adding the correct natural minerals in the proper ratio then exposing the water to an Agronifier in order to make the New Fossil water closer to the unsustainable fossil water that has been under ground for over 10,000 years.