On 11 April 2013, the Supervisory Board of PCC Exol SA appointed a new Member of the Management Board, Mr. Miroslaw Siwirski, who will also act as Commercial Director. In the years 1995-2003, Mr. Miroslaw Siwirski worked in executive positions in commercial departments of a number of companies, including Star Foods SA and in Browary Dolnolskie Piast SA. In the years 2003-2004, he was President of the Management Board in Dolnolskie Centrum Dystrybucyjne Sp. z o.o. In 2004, he became Domestic Sales Director in Rokita Agro SA, which was a part of the PCC Capital Group at that time. In
2006, he was appointed Member of the Management Board of Rokita Agro S.A. (currently Makhteshim-Agan Agro Poland SA) and held this position till 2012. In the years 2008-2009 and 2010-2012 he was President of the Management Board of this company.