PHI Group, Inc. announced that Empire Spirits, Inc., a subsidiary of PHI Group, Inc., will be launching the first U.S. distilled USDA organic baijiu, a joint venture with Five-Grain Treasure Spirits Co., Ltd. The product will mark the first in a series of ultra-premium organic baijiu spirits to be distilled in the United States. Baijiu, a white spirit distilled from sorghum, similar to vodka but with a fragrant aroma and taste, is the world's most consumed spirit that boasts sales of over USD 83 billion. Priced up to 10X that of a similarly aged Scotch Whiskey, baijiu is considered the king of all spirits.

In China, where over 90% of baijiu is consumed, there has been a concern in recent times of the safety of Chinese-made foods, particularly consumables. The Chinese have long realized their land, air and water are badly tainted. As Chinese consumers look increasingly to international goods, organic baijiu is one of the products that will fill a large void.

Empire Spirits, in cooperation with Five Grain Treasure Spirits Co., will use the finest, organically grown sorghum from Kansas and distill the product in California. The baijiu will then be shipped to China, where it will mature in underground warehouses. Whereas Kweichow Moutai Co., a baiju producer with a market of USD 350 billion, has become the largest alcohol company in the world, Empire Spirits aims to find a very lucrative niche in the baijiu business.

With over 90% of baijiu sold in China, there is a tremendous opportunity with the international and US markets. A case in point, Tequila had very low sales when it entered international markets, but soon captured a very significant portion of the alcoholic beverage market.